May 4, 2016 Northbound

Looking forward to our 3rd Tauck Tour. Have wanted to sail on a Windstar ship and this tour seems perfect. Spending much time flying from Seattle for just a 7 day cruise did not appeal but adding the extra 4 days in Athens and 3 in Istanbul motivated us to sign up.

We will be arriving in Athens on May 3 to adjust to the 10 or 11 hour time change. Any other early tourers want to meet at the bar that night?


  • My wife and I (Marion and Gene Poythress) also arrive on May 3, from Atlanta via Amsterdam. And, depending on arrival time, jet lag etc., we might like to meet up for a pre-dinner drink at the Grande Bretagne. Whom should we ask for?

    This is our first Tauck tour. I would be interested in any comments you might have on your prior Tauck trips. We were scheduled for a Windstar cruise (the cruise line, not the Tauck boat) about the same time but it was cancelled due to damage to the ship. So we're hoping this tour is as good or better. The bad news is British friends of ours who now live in Spain were also signed up for the cancelled cruise and it's now uncertain whether they can make the Tauck tour. FYI, we have been to Istanbul, so we are returning home the day we reach there. If you have not been there, it is a wonderful tourist destination.
  • Hi Gene,

    Karen and I arrive in Athens through LHR from Seattle around 1400 on May 3 . I expect we will be checking in around 1500 and taking the required nap before dinner. This is our 3rd Tauck tour (Ireland and Italy) and we have enjoyed both for different reasons. We would enjoy meeting with you and Marion for a drink in the Hotel. E-mail me at and I can tell you more about our Tauck experiences.

    Our son and daughter-in-law visited Istanbul 2 years ago and also think highly of the city. We are looking forward to the tours and the free time to explore on our own.

    Carl Nencetti
  • Thanks, Carl, will contact you via e-mail. Looking forward to getting acquainted.
  • When you get to Istanbul visit the Dolmabahce Palace. It is not far from the Intercontinental Hotel. Take a cab (cheap 5 Turkish Lira) the traffic is awful. You don't want to walk. This "modern sultan's" palace is just gorgeous and most of it is original. Can you imagine a 10,000 piece chandelier? I also toured the harem which was an additional cost. The Tauck tour does not go there. Go early in the morning before 9 AM and get in the English tour line. If I remember the entire tour cost 40 Turkish Lira. The gardens and fountains are also quite beautiful and the setting on the sea is just magnificent. Pick up an ID card from the concierge written in English and Turkish to show the cab driver. They don't speak English. When I was through touring the palace, I waited at the entrance for a cab since this is a busy tourist destination there were many on the street. I waited for a cab to stop and let out tourists and hailed that one to take me back to the hotel. He was most happy to see my card in his language.
  • Thanks for the tip packin. It does sound like a good way to see some sights that Tauck does not include. Always good to have inside info from those who have been someplace we have not.

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