Extending the August 28th to September 4th tour

We are planning to rent a car at the end of our tour and drive to Abruzzo to explore my husbands roots for several days. I thought we would take the transfer from our hotel in Rome to the airport on the last day of our tour and pick up our rental car there. Does this seem like a logical idea? Should we secure the rental car online or with a travel agent or some other way? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.


  • We took this trip in April 2014, wonderful week. From Rome, we took the train to Orvieto in Umbria, the closest rail station to our destination of Todi for 10 days, one of the ancient perched towns/cities. We had pre-arranged a car rental in Todi, and had a driver to take us back to Rome for our flight home. We would not have enjoyed driving in Rome ! My suggestion would be to take the train to close to where you are going to stay, pick up a car rental at the rail station. Most stations are closed on Sundays, so be sure to check the days/hours open. AutoEurope is a good company for car rentals in Europe,, based in Portland, Maine. Your travel agent is a good source, but look online too, but make your booking by phone. And know what your credit card company that you are using covers...collision etc. Theft protection is mandatory in Italy. Do not leave any valuables, luggage or packages visible in the car.

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