China, The Yangzi River & Hong Kong East Bound April 6th, 2017 Tour

MY wife and I just paid our deposit for China, the Yangzi River & Hong Kong East Bound commencing April 6, 2017. It will be our third Tauck Tour. Others included Italy in 2013 and Australia & New Zealand in in 2014. We currently live in the Washington, DC area, previously living in the Miami and Fort Lauderdale area. We would be interested in hearing from other travelers that will be on this tour.

Please note we are traveling on April 6, 2017, not 2016

Just completed my trans-ocean airline reservation. Got a terrific rate using airline miles at a 50% discount.

The trip is sold out. Are any of our fellow travelers interest in corresponding?

Bill & Laura


  • Hi Bill and Laura
    We are also on the China Trip eastbound departing on April 7- We are arriving in Beijing on April 6- This will be our third Tauck tour having done Peru/Bolivia and a river cruise Budapest -Prague- Look forward to meeting you on this trip
    Elli and Steve
  • edited March 2016
    Hi Elli & Steve

    Please email me at

    Once I receive your email, I will reply to you giving you my telephone contact information.

    This will be our third Tauck trip as well.

    In 2014 we took the Tauck Classic Italy trip. It was truly out of this world. In Nov-Dec 2014 we took the Tauck Australia & New Zealand Trip. It was even more amazing than the Italy trip. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Bill & Laura
  • My husband & I on China Tour Eastbound 3/27/16. We will be in Shanghai 05/08-05/11 would like info on guide and visit to Shanghai Synagogue. Anyone else like to join would be great.
  • edited April 2016
    Ohel Moshe synagogue is now a museum and Ohel Rachel synagogue is open only on special occasions. The best way to get a flavor of Judaism in Shanghai, past and present, is to arrange a tour with Dvir Bar-Gal <>. We did this a couple of years ago while on the same Tauck tour that you will be enjoying and found that the side tour with Dvir was the highlight of our experience. In fact, because of the historical significance of the Jewish experience in China during WWII, if you are a history buff, it really does not matter if you are Jewish or not to be able to enjoy this tour. Because of time limitations, we arranged a slightly abbreviated tour and he was able to fit in everything within the time constraint that we provided. Do not miss this experience.

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