Republic Day - January 26, 2017--Need advice!

Hi all,

My travel companions and I are researching our next Tauck adventure - and the winner is.... India. However, I am trying to figure out the 'when'. One of the desired trips starts on January 26, 2017 - the national holiday of Republic Day. My other date (a close but secondary choice) is in mid-February.

Does anyone have an opinion or knowledge about possible disruptions in Delhi during this celebration that would detract from trip or restrict me solely to the hotel property? Or would being in Delhi at this time be an enhancement?

We intend to arrive 2 days early to acclimate to the time. But we would also like to explore the city and nearby sites not included on the tour (yes, I will be with a guide and/or driver). Any recommendations are definitely welcome!! Shopping tips are also requested!



  • We just completed this fantastic tour, and our departure date, from Mumbai, was January 26. Our flight left at 3 AM, and we were told that the airport would close at dawn. Also, at midnight, India became a dry country. Republic Day is a BIG deal, and Delhi is the epicenter was of the celebration. We were in Delhi a few weeks prior to the day, and they were already setting up grandstands, etc. . We were told that the parade alone goes on for about 7 hours. Security was tight when we were there, so I have to believe it would even be more stringent the closer it gets to that day. Given the usual traffic congestion (and we were there during the odd/even only driving day experiment meant to lessen the problem), I would think that trying to get around would be next to impossible! If you like to get out and explore on your own, and it sounds as if you do, you might consider an alternate date. This is a wonderful tour, and I think you will be happy that you chose the Portrait as the contrast between North and South is fascinating!
    If you have any,other questions about this tour, I would be glad to answer them...if you want to email me directly, my email is .

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