Australia 2017

Just wondering if anyone has signed up for Australia/New Zealand for Jan. 2017.. My husband and I are on the westbound trip and would enjoy meeting our tour mates!


  • edited February 2016
    Hi Gigi,

    You might want to re-post your inquiry over in the Cruising Down Under, Westward bound forum. You might get more hits!


  • I am signed up for the Westbound "Cruising Down Under" that departs on January 29, 2017. Then I am joining the Tauck "Spotlight on Australia" departure of February 16 to see more of that country. Can't wait for next year to come around!

    Sally from the SF Bay Area.
  • Sally, we are very excited about our upcoming trip, never having been to Australia before. We live in Scottsdale and my husband has been researching the flights. I think that we will visit Tasmania at the end of our tour.
  • Gigi: This will be my first trip to Australia/New Zealand as well. I wanted to save this trip for a time when I didn't have to rush home. I am retiring on December 31 and this trip will be my reward - I can't wait! I am also considering a side trip to Tasmania but need to figure out the timing (beginning or end of trip, if at all).

    I would appreciate feedback from anyone about the value of adding Tasmania to an already long and expensive trip; what is there to see and do?
  • Well, Gigi best of luck for your trip and I am sure you will get some unforgettable memory from your tour and my.smarks you said that you are going to retire and as a prize you are going for an Australia Tour. I have a suggestion for you if you are going to Southern Australia side then don't forget to taste their Environment and foods also you may taste their wine special if you love wine. Don't forget to book a house there for you. Few months Ago I was there with my friends and thanks to Amy's House Australia 's service we had a great time there.

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