life changing experience

I have been back a week from a most wonderful trip, and still, I have not fully finish processing the feelings, the sights, sounds, scents and life lasting sentiments of this unique and truly life changing experience.
Tauck always asks to name the most memorable moment of the trip, and thus far, I have not been able to do so, as the whole trip, every city, every sightseeing site is memorable.
There are so many.
But if I had to really choose one and only one, there is absolutely one that stands out far and beyond all others and that is meeting and interacting with the wonderful PEOPLE.
I had previously booked this trip twice before and ended up getting cold feet and cancelling it as a result of friends telling me about the poverty and the filth. Yes there is some of that, but there is so much, much more that I am so glad I finally went and that I chose the Portrait of India rather that the Spotlight of India. I was not ready to finish seeing, learning, exploring this amazing country.
As for the tour itself and our tour director(chacha/Abhi) it could not have been better.
I summarize my experience with this question;
Would I go back to India, and my answer is, in a heartbeat.


  • Hi Fernando,
    We were on the tour before yours, and I couldn't agree more about this wonderful trip! We also agree about the "Portrait" tour. We felt that the South was not to be missed. It really gave balance to what we saw in the North and gave us a much better view of India as a whole. I don't know if you did the village walk in Kumarakom, but for many of us seeing all of the children pressed and polished and on their way to school was such an uplifting experience! And wade through all of the photos we took and choose the best for a photo book...that will take me a long time!
  • Fernado, what a joy to read your report. We went on that tour a couple of years ago from England, and had more or less the same feelings. In fact, I found many experiences profound, and the sheer devotion and warmth of the people was so striking. Even though the dreaded bug hit me at the Taj and I was on rice, yogurt and bananas for the rest of the trip until we went down south I thoroughly enjoyed the trip. OK, I got the bug, but was the only one on our trip who did, and I truly believe what the medics say over there that you should forget Western pills because they are not designed for those bugs. The doctor was with me within 30 mins of calling and after examination gave me pills which stopped it dead.
    Again like you, I dithered before booking, but the one factor which has never let me down is that I knew Tauck standards from previous trips with them. In fact, I would not go in this tour with anybody else than Tauck for that reason.
    For others reading this, don't put it off, you will not regret this one. The experiences you will feel are quite extraordinary and will last with you for a long time. Truly wonderful.
    By the way - I don't work for Tauck!!
  • Fernando, Joyce and Ricard,
    Thank you for taking the time to express your travel passion and enthusiastic review of your trip to India. I have read almost all of the posts on the forum and the reviews are excellent. I recently returned from my 3rd amazing Tauck adventure (Indochina) and have been contemplating and studying where to go next. . You all have made my choice easy: Portraits of India beginning February 16th, 1917 is the winner! Twelve months to plan and anticipate- something wonderful to look forward to!. I welcome all suggestions - about packing, pre-trip reading, shopping, free time sights, pre-trip in Delhi, thoughts about Air India,

    I look forward to hearing more about your past travels...and your future ones,

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