Pre-cruise Amsterdam Activities

We are passengers on the April 30, 2016 AMS-BUD cruise and arriving on April 28. We want to visit Keukenhof for the tulips and the Anne Frank House and Van Gogh museum. Planning for coordination with the concierge at our hotel but wondered if there were better options. Also interested in the reality of visiting the Corrie ten Boom house in Haarlem. Given our arrival time we have about two-and-a-half days before we board the MS Treasures on the 30th.


  • If you want to go to the Anne Frank house, you better have reservations. The last time I looked, they were booked 2 to 3 months out. Go to the Anne Frank web site and try to get a reservation.
  • We once took the train to Haarlem quite easily, walked around for a few hours, saw the cathedral and an organ concert, then just trained back. If I remember correctly, the train trip is quite short.

    I had never heard of Corrie ten Boom House, but found the website quite easily:

    It appears you have to be part of a tour, but they can be reserved in advance by email. Looks like they are closed Sundays and Mondays.
  • JPM ~ We are doing the same cruise, same ship beginning May 28. Would love to hear your ship experiences when you return and any advice.

    Thanks, Jim
  • Guess this is the place to put this. For anyone wanting to visit the Anne Franck House, I just received an e-mail from them.

    From May 1st onward the entry from 0900 to 1530 will be for on-line ticket holders only (folks who purchased their tickets on-line). Entry from 1530 to 2130 will be for tickets purchased at the door.

    So, I guess you all need to buy your tickets on-line before any trip to visit Anne Franck's House.
  • JPM ~ We are doing the same cruise, same ship beginning May 28. Would love to hear your ship experiences when you return and any advice.

    Thanks, Jim

    Hi Jim,
    Debbie and I and her son Stephen will be on the ship with you starting May 28. I just joined this forum so I'll be looking for whatever info should appear!...........-Rick Phelps
  • I will be on the May 28 cruise as well. Have a great time JPM and please share with us when you return. Look forward to meeting everyone. Cindy

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