Febuary 29 trip

We are flying into Melbourne a day early, reaching 28th.
Seems like Ocean drive is worthwhile, but hate to miss the welcome dinner.
What time do you return from drive, if anyone knowws ?
Little penguins might be easier to do.
Look forward to meeting my fellow travellers.
Me and my husband will be coming in from Baltimore.


  • Hi Apb,

    I've posted regarding just this in last week. My husband and I will be on this tour as well so we'll look forward to meeting you. We're in SoCal, arriving a day early, taking an Ocean Road Drive tour, and unfortunately missing the welcome dinner. It's a long day and I don't think we'll get back to hotel until around 9ish. Will just have to meet and greet the next morning. And yes, probably the Penguin tour would get you back in time, but I'm not sure of the details.

    See you soon!
    Kim and Jim Sheehy

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