China Eastbound May 12, 2016 (small group)

If you have heard about the Jewish Shanghai tour and are interested in it, I have been in touch with Dvir (the guide) who informs me that the morning of Day 13 (May 24) is already booked with a private tour. However, if we can find several people who are interested in the afternoon tour, Dvir says he won't have any problem booking additional people (other than from our Tauck group) to reach the required minimum of 10.

Details: Tour begins at 1 pm; costs $69 p/p; meets at the Peace Hotel; lasts 4-5 hours

The tour and the guide have excellent reviews.

Please let us know if you are interested.

Toni and Bruce


  • Hi Toni and Bruce.
    This is Carolyn and Michael, and we are on this tour. We might be very interested in this as well. Can you tell us more about this tour (i.e. times), and how this interacts with what Tauck already has planned for our tour. Are you going to coordinate with Dvir. We would love to know more. Thank you very much!
  • Hi Carolyn and Michael,
    Very excited that you are interested in this tour. Before contacting Dvir Bar-Gal (, I spoke to someone at Tauck. They said that after Tauck's morning tour, they can arrange to get people back to the hotel by 12:15/12:30. I believe that we are only missing lunch on our own before a guided walking tour of a neighborhood.

    The tour with Dvir begins at 1 pm, meets at the Peace Hotel, and lasts 4-5 hours. Dvir was agreeable to accepting payment ($69 p/p or 450 RMB p/p) when we gather at the Peace Hotel - probably because he is familiar with Tauck guests. I would be glad to add your name to the list. What is your last name?

    FYI: Dvir requires a minimum of 10 people for the afternoon tour. He expects to add names to the list from people who are not traveling with Tauck. Here's hoping!

    Are you arriving a day early in Beijing on May 11?

    Toni and Bruce
  • Hi Toni and Bruce,
    Yes, please add us to Dvir's list - Carolyn and Michael Yanuck. Yes, we are arriving in Beijing May 11th. Looking forward to meeting you!
  • Great. I'll let Dvir know right away and hope to hear back from him that the afternoon tour is filling up. Looking forward to meeting you as well.
    We're flying in from the DC area and arrive at 2:40 pm. Yourself?

    Toni and Bruce
  • Thanks so much! From Florida and get in around the same time.
  • So far, we are the only ones on Dvir's list for the afternoon tour. However, Dvir said he isn't worried about getting the minimum of 10 because it is the busy travel season and most of his reservations are made 2-3 weeks before the tour.

    Be seeing you soon!

    Toni and Bruce Immerman
  • Thanks for keeping on top of things. I guess we only need 6 more people. Hopefully, he will fill it! Won't be long now! Thanks again!
  • Hi Carolyn and Michael,
    Been in contact with Dvir and need to get in touch with you regarding a late breaking change - same day but from an afternoon to morning tour. Please get in touch with me at timmerman6 at comcast dot net (forget the reason why people type the email this way).
  • We took the westbound version of this tour last October. It was one of the best of our 12 tours with Tauck.

    I know that on our free afternoon, a number on our tour arranged a private tour with the guide that Tauck was using. They really liked the tour. So if your plans fall through with what you were trying to arrange, you may have an option to arrange a tour when you get to Shanghai. You probably don’t want to overlap with the Tauck arrangements for that morning.

    If you have Les as a Tauck Director, tell him TravelGuy said hello. He is very good.
  • Hello travel guy,
    Since you did this tour not long ago any last minute advice , tips, recommendations for us who are leaving soon?
  • This trip is packed with many memorable adventures as part of the tour.

    Some minor miscellaneous thoughts are:

    You should have the Butternut Squash Soup at the Beijing Waldorf Astoria on the night that you have a choice of a hotel restaurant. The beef is excellent there also. It’s the restaurant on the first floor where breakfast is served. Also, walk over to see the Food Market at night near the hotel. Watch out for the traffic!! Be prepared for cold weather at the Great Wall. Bring non-slip shoes as the floor is smooth and it is slippery if it rains. (As it did for us.) Some gloves would not hurt either.

    In Shanghai, some of our group walked over to see the famous shopping area (forgot the name!) all aglow in neon lights. The Chinese love the neon look!

    In Hong Kong, there is a light show illuminating the buildings facing Victoria Harbor. It is near the hotel. If you are in the area, take a look. Otherwise don’t wait/waste an hour like we did waiting for it.

    Bring extra memory cards!!
  • Thank you so much. Hard to believe in 3 days we will be there!

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