China Eastbound Yangzi Explorer

I'm a first time solo traveler and would like to hear from any others on the trip. I'm flying from Dulles -Washington on the 10th of May. This is an exciting trip and look forward to meeting new people and seeing the sights of China.


  • Excited to read your post because we're also leaving for China on May 10 out of Dulles. Are you from the DC area? We arrive a day early and want to see places not on Tauck's itinerary - maybe the Summer Palace and Lema Temple in Beijing. Can anyone recommend a tour company?

    Toni and Bruce
  • Glad to hear from you. Yes, I'm in Reston. And I was interested in seeing the summer palace on the 12th. I'm flying on Delta on the 10th and arrive at 2:45 on the 11th. This is also my first trip to China but have traveled with Tauck to Tanzania in the past and it was an incredible trip.
  • Immer: You can book tours almost anywhere in the world at Just input the city you will visit and they will display the options. If they don't offer what you want, send an email to the hotel concierge and see if he/she can offer something customized.
  • judypoli wrote:
    Glad to hear from you. Yes, I'm in Reston. And I was interested in seeing the summer palace on the 12th. I'm flying on Delta on the 10th and arrive at 2:45 on the 11th. This is also my first trip to China but have traveled with Tauck to Tanzania in the past and it was an incredible trip.

    We're from Potomac, flying on United, and first time with Tauck. Going to research Viator tours and will let you know.
  • smarks50 wrote:
    Immer: You can book tours almost anywhere in the world at Just input the city you will visit and they will display the options. If they don't offer what you want, send an email to the hotel concierge and see if he/she can offer something customized.
    Thanks for your reply. I recently read about Viator tours but didn't know anyone who was familiar with them. They list a full day tour which includes: Lema Temple, Summer Palace, Beijing Zoo, and the Silk Market. Before committing, I want to contact the hotel concierge. Again, thanks for your advise.
  • judypoli wrote:
    Glad to hear from you. Yes, I'm in Reston. And I was interested in seeing the summer palace on the 12th. I'm flying on Delta on the 10th and arrive at 2:45 on the 11th. This is also my first trip to China but have traveled with Tauck to Tanzania in the past and it was an incredible trip.
    Didn't seem so long ago that this trip was a year away and now it starts in seven weeks! I contacted the concierge at Waldorf Astoria and they can arrange a private/full day tour for $400+ for 2. Viator has two options: one is a full day bus tour for $55 p/p; the other is a private tour with guides who use public transportation OR one guide who owns her own car. The price ranges from $10-15 per person per hour. On the Viator website, each guide from the Beijing area posts a photograph and writes a little bit about themselves. What are your thoughts?

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