Best of Hawaii

We're on the 3/31/2016 Hawaii tour.

When we traveled on the Classic Italy tour lat year, sports jackets for men seemed to be the norm at dinner.

Is this true also for the Hawaii tour or is more casual dress OK? Such as slacks and casual shirts...

Thanks for any feedback you can offer!


  • Have not traveled with Tauck to Hawaii but have been many times on our own and stayed at all of the hotels that Tauck uses. No jackets!! Resort casual for the nicest places! No ratty shirts and cutoffs, but nice shirts and shorts or pants for men (yes, many go to dinner in nice shorts...horrors!) and sun dresses and tops and capris/pants for ladies.
  • Thanks for the feedback!
  • We just completed this trip in February. Wonderful hotels, great food, and Hawaiian scenery - what more could you want?

    I am basically a sport coat guy but I didn't bring one this time. There are a number of ABC stores near the Royal Hawaiian. The guys can buy one or two Aloha shirts and the ladies Hawaiian sun dresses. These would fit in at any of the dinners.

    Laid-back is the word for this trip. Enjoy!!!
  • Great feedback TravelGuy...thanks!

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