L Austrual

Does anyone have any info on ship food? L Austrual travels to New Zealand/Australia in winter and I saw the most negative reviews on travel lines that I have ever seen on Tauck. Said food was horrible and below Tauck's standard. Was in 2015.


  • naples763 wrote:
    Does anyone have any info on ship food? L Austrual travels to New Zealand/Australia in winter and I saw the most negative reviews on travel lines that I have ever seen on Tauck. Said food was horrible and below Tauck's standard. Was in 2015.

    I think as Tauck has explained that expectations create furtile ground for ruining your own vacation. These trips are not 'cheap' so many people expect perfection. There is no 'perfect'. I saw some reviews that you could easily read through and discover the problem. With one it became clear that the WiFi not working for four days ruined their trip. Slow service on occassion, or a meal that they didn't like could ruin it for others. On one site I saw eight five star reviews, and seven one star reviews for Le Soleal. One five star review by someone who has done 13 Tauck trips, said this was the best. I tend to believe the 'wonderful' reviews, and tend to discount the 'terrible' reviews which often identify people who have expectations that are way too high. One was disappointed because the room was smaller than expected. If you don't know how big your room is going to be, you did not do your homework.

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