Welcome to Tauck’s Treasures of the British / Irish Isles - Eastbound Forum

Welcome to Tauck’s Treasures of the British / Irish Isles - Eastbound Forum - Find the answers to your trip questions, answer questions posted by fellow travelers, plus share your Tauck experiences and stories. Stop by often and join in on the discussions.


  • My husband, Terry, and I are really looking forward to our trip. We have traveled with Tauck several times and have always been very pleased. Is anyone else traveling out of LAX on the 27th of April for the eastbound trip?
  • My husband and I will be on the eastbound British Isles trip. We too have traveled with Tauck MANY times an know we will be in store for the best of experiences.

    Hope to meet you and Terry on our trip! We'll be leaving from Chicago on April 27th so will be there for the extra day.

  • My husband Jim and I are leaving from Chicago O'Hare on 4/27 for the Eastbound trip. We have been on two previous Tauck trips. Looking forward to meeting all soon!!

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