Welcome to Tauck’s Treasures of the British / Irish Isles - Westbound Forum

Welcome to Tauck’s Treasures of the British / Irish Isles - Westbound Forum - Find the answers to your trip questions, answer questions posted by fellow travelers, plus share your Tauck experiences and stories. Stop by often and join in on the discussions.


  • This one does look good! I don't envy the tour designers their task, but I would really like to see the so-called Giant's Causeway listed as an excursion for Northern Ireland. I know, you can't fit everything in, particularly when faced with populist tourist attraction like anything to do with the Titanic! And I really don't begrudge Belfast those greenbacks. They need all the help they can get there in Belfast.

    Is there any chance, though, that the Giant's Causeway might be possible? It can be done from Dublin, but it is a loooooong stretch.



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