China Yantzee River April 28 leaving from Beijing

My wife and I are on the trip. Anyone else going? Anyone interested in the Jewish tour in Hong Kong?


  • I am not on this particular trip, but I will be in Hong Kong on my way to Delhi for the Portraits of India trip in early 2017 (I wish the pricing and confirmed dates would be posted!!).. I would love some information about the Jewish tour in Hong Kong. Last time I was there, I visited the synagogue but I would love a more in-depth tour. Please posted your comments about your upcoming trip..I think it may be my 2018 adventure!

    Safe travels!

  • Re Jewish visit on Shanghai trip contact Tours of Jewish Shanghai []
  • Are there any travelers on the April 28, 2016 eastbound china tour leaving from New York on April 27, 2016, Would like to meet.
  • We are on the trip leaving from Baltimore on April 26
    Susan and John
  • ARC wrote:
    My wife and I are on the trip. Anyone else going? Anyone interested in the Jewish tour in Hong Kong?

    We may be interested. Is it through Tauck?
  • The Jewish Tour is not through Tauck. It is a trip in Shanghai highly recommended by people whom we know who have been before. It is a tour of about 4 hours.

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