The Sweet Life Rome & Sorrento July 13 2016

Hi my name is Mary, me my husband and 14 year old son are going on the The Sweet Life Rome & Sorrento July 13 2016... wondering who else is going that week... looking forward to it!


  • edited May 2016
    Hello, my name is Carrie. We are a family of four (14 year old son, 12 year old daughter in tow) from Michigan! Thrilled about our trip and looking forward to meeting everyone! We will be on the Sweet life tour starting July 13th.
  • Great to know there is another 14 year old boy on the trip. Looks like it's going to be fun!
  • We will have a 11 year old girl and 12 year old boy on this trip. Looking forward. We are exploring Amsterdam prior to meeting in Rome and after being dropped off at Naples rail station heading to Florence for 3 days. Can't wait.

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