Type of planes used on Hawaii flights

Hello everyone

We are thinking of doing the Best of Hawaii Tour.

Can you please advice us on the type of planes (Company name and aircraft type) that are used to fly between the islands? Does one plane accommodate everyone on the tour, or are several planes used?

When is the best time of the year to go to Hawaii to avoid adverse weather conditions?

Would appreciate feedback and information.

Thank you


  • family wrote:
    Hello everyone

    Can you please advice us on the type of planes (Company name and aircraft type) that are used to fly between the islands? Does one plane accommodate everyone on the tour, or are several planes used?

    Thank you

    Interisland flights are Hawaiian Air on 100 passenger Boeing 717 commuter jets. Seats are 17" wide, do not recline, have minimum legroom and have no padding. Two seats on port side, three on starboard.

    The flights are all less than an hour.

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