Any fellow travelers going on this trip in July 2016?

It will be our 50th Anniversary and and are checking to see if we have fellow travelers going at this time so we can get to know each other beforehand. Hope to hear from someone.


  • Jeff and Margie from Portland, Oregon: Going on the trip starting June 29. It's also a celebration of our 50th anniversary
  • Hi Jeff and Margie,

    Ray and I are looking forward to meeting you both. Cheers to us for picking an awesome trip to celebrate our 50th. We are from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. We have a son and daughter and 4 grandchildren. Really looking forward to the trip but I hat packing ...always take too much...any hints? See you soon.
  • My husband Rod and I, Barbara, are going on the June 30th trip. This is our fifth Tauck tour and have enjoyed them immensely. We live outside of Dallas, Texas. We have two children and four grandchildren. Look forward to meeting everyone. This looks like a fantastic trip.

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