Firenze Card

Has anyone bought this card and is it worth it? I am willing to pay a little to avoid lines.



  • Not generally worth it. You have to do a lot of museums, including some dedicedly second tier stops, to even come close to paying for the card. Since the Accademia and the Uffizzi are included on the tour (assuming you're doing this tour), I would say absolutely don't buy the card, since they are the two museums with the worst lines. The Medici Chapels are also included on this tour. We had no problem getting into the Pitti Palace or the Bargello (and the Bargello had free entry the day we went). You can also make reservations online to avoid the lines.
  • Not generally worth it. You have to do a lot of museums, including some dedicedly second tier stops, to even come close to paying for the card. Since the Accademia and the Uffizzi are included on the tour (assuming you're doing this tour), I would say absolutely don't buy the card, since they are the two museums with the worst lines. The Medici Chapels are also included on this tour. We had no problem getting into the Pitti Palace or the Bargello (and the Bargello had free entry the day we went). You can also make reservations online to avoid the lines.

    Thank you!

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