Oct. 1, 2016

Anyone else booked on this trip? We have been crusing many times and have enjoyed all of them, but this will be our firt guided tour. Tauck has come highly recommended, so we anticipate a good time.

Also, we've been to Boston several times but never to any of the other places on this tour. We're hoping that Oct. 1-8 will give us nice, cool weather.

Mike Barns
Irving, TX


  • I live very close to the Sagamore Bridge. Your entrance to Cape Cod. The weather should be beautiful. Cool nights and warm days unless it decides to rain which it usually doesn't that time of year. I have taken several Tauck land tours and they were all great. Enjoy my part of the country.
  • Hey Mike - My friend Jimmy Hirs & I will be on this tour & look forward to meeting you. J lives in Mobile & I live in Tuscaloosa - RTR! ???? Our first Tauck tour & first US tour but hear great things about Tauck from friends who travel with them. We have been on several river cruises in Europe & 1 in China & land tour to Australia & New Zealand. Time to see USA! Genie
  • Hi Mike! My husband, Lee, and I will be on the tour! This will be our first Tauck tour. Have traveled extensively but almost always independently and are looking forward to the fun of a group. We are from Philadelphia, Lee born and bred and I am a transplant from the area around Lexington Ky. We are imagining/hoping for fall colors, cool nights, pleasant days, wood fires, great wine, and some beautiful scenery. Look forward to meeting you!

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