a week in the baltics

We are going on the trip in September. What should we expect in the way of weather? Where should we eat on our free nights and what are the best things to buy?

Is anyone from Northern Virginia on the 8 Sept. trip?


  • edited May 2016
    I'm also going to make Tallinn tour ( http://tripity.eu ), so, as I've found..

    The month of June is characterized by rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs increasing from 17°C to 21°C over the course of the month, exceeding 25°C or dropping below 13°C only one day in ten. Daily low temperatures range from 8°C to 12°C, falling below 5°C or exceeding 15°C only one day in ten. Over the course of June, the length of the day is essentially constant. The shortest day of the month is June 1 with 18:09 hours of daylight; the longest day is June 18 with 18:40 hours of daylight.
  • I went on the Russian Treasures tour (Baltics plus Russia) and loved it! The Baltic portion was fascinating. I will admit: I am a shopper but I did not buy anything in the Baltics! There was beautiful Amber jewelry - some expensive and some rather inexpensive. One lady on the trip who was a jeweler and knew quality told me the 'good' Amber was very expensive. Despite my lack of purchases, I loved looking and admiring it all!


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