week in Scotland

Anyone going on the July 24th tour and coming in a day earlier? Any suggestions on lunch and dinner in a local establishment?


  • We took a taxi to a nice restaurant in town it was just a short distance from the train station. The Balloch House an 18th century pub. The food was very good and on the ride back the taxi driver turned off the meter when we got back to hotel and showed us the property and where you can walk into town.

    The next day (day of the meet and greet supper) we took the train into Glasgow and followed Rick Steves walking tour and, also, went to Kelvingrove Art Gallery then caught the train back to hotel and picked up taxi to get ready to meet the other guests on tour.

    Don't chose the boat house for your free night eating at hotel. It was very noisy and people that ate at hotel really liked it.

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