Who is going on the November 26, 2016 trip from Nuremberg to Vienna

I posted this note somewhere else,but cannot find it. We are going on the November 26, 2016 trip, starting in Nuremberg. We are arriving on November 24th, and are looking for up to 4 people who may want to take a day tour of the World War II history sites in Nuremberg, including the court house. The guide comes highly recommended. Will do the walking tour with Tauck on the first day on the ship. If interested, please email me at psaco52@gmail.com. See everyone on the boat.


  • My neighbor and I are booked on this cruise, we start 11/22 in Prague and are working on hotels and plans there. Will book a bus ride to Nuremburg in time to see the opening ceremony for the Market but not to do a tour on the 25th. We may have time before we are to board at 4pm on the 26th? Will want to spend a lot of time at the market but then want to tour as much of the city as possible. Will want to get details on the tour Tauck offers on the 27th then we decide what we want to do on our own on the 26th. Do you know what Tauck's city tour includes?
  • edited June 2016
    Terry R

    I and a traveling companion will be on the same cruise from Nuremberg to Vienna on the 26th. I will also arrive on the 24th and my traveling companion will arrive on the 25th. I would be interested in the day tour you are talking about.

    I will send PSaco an email, just to introduce myself and get some info on the tour of the city.

  • Terry R: please email me at your convenience so I can tell you about the tour on November 25. I have not booked it yet and was waiting to see if others wanted to join. Email again is psaco52@gmail.com. Thanks, Pete Saco
  • edited August 2016
    I just sent you an answer to your email address today. Thanks Terry R.
  • Traveling on November26th Christmas Market tour starting in Nuremberg. See you all then
  • My wife and I are on this trip also. Will fly in on Nov. 25 from Conway, Arkansas
  • We still have one opening for the World War II Combo Tour on November 25. The van can accommodate six. It is a four-hour tour that covers the Nuremberg area, World War II sites and the court house. If we have six, the tour will cost roughly $85 per person. If anyone is interested on taking this tour, email me at psaco52@gmail.com. Looking forward to seeing everyone on the boat.

    Thanks Pete Saco
  • My husband and I will be there. Looking forward to it!!
    Cookie and Sam from Philadelphia

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