Clothing suggestion

We have taken a number of Tauck tours some of which were more casual and a few (Vienna River Cruise) where it was appropriate to wear a coat and tie.

Can anyone tell me whether there is a need for dressing up more formally during the Paradors of Northern Spain trip in September?

I would prefer not to have to take a sport coat but will if appropriate.

Again, any insights will be much appreciated.

Thank you,



  • I did this tour in October and have also done the Vienna River Cruise. The Paradors of Spain is more casual. Dinners are in the hotel or on the grounds of the hotel. If you have done other tours, then you know the variety of ways people have dressed for the welcome and farewell dinners. That is sufficient for this tour. One evening is in a medieval castle but it is definitely not as elaborate like the Vienna one.
  • Explorer....thank you very much for your response. I think I'll be able to get away without packing jacket/tie! Safe travels...

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