Le Soleal

I have read number of unhappy comments about the boat, "Le Soleal."
When the boat is chartered to Tauck, does Tauck charter the entire boat?
Does Tauck require the owners of Le Soleal to improve the quality of the food and service?
The trip intrigues me, but I am concerned about the boat.
Jeff Belmont


  • We were on Le Soléal in Tauck’s February ’14 Treasures of Southeast Asia. The ship is owned and operated by Compagnie du Ponant, a French company. With a capacity of 264 passengers, we only had 188 on board . . . 45 Tauck (including our TD and our guest lecturer) and 143 others (mostly French). This tour, including our time on Le Soléal, was the best we have ever taken.

    I posted a daily blog about our tour at . . .

    Obviously it’s specific only about this tour and our perspective, but it may give you a little flavor of Le Soléal.
  • JeffP,

    We have sailed aboard Le Soleal to Antarctica in 2015, and again to Japan in 2016. We loved both trips, and Le Soleal met our expectations both times. We have been aboard other ships of this company and they maintain the same high standards. We cannot imagine where these adverse comments are coming from, or how far back in time they were made, but we have sailed aboard L'Austral, and an earlier Le LeVant, and those vessels too were outstanding.
  • Just got back from a trip on Le Soleal. It was about 1/2 Tauck and 1/2 others. It was a great trip and we found the room very comfortable and the staff kept it clean. The food was good and had a nice variety of things to eat/drink. I did learn that their "wifi" works best on the two ends of the ship...signal strength is very weak mid-ship. Had a minor issue with the plumbing, but that was fixed by the time we returned from our day's outing. The Captain is approachable and made it clear he was available if needed.

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