A Week in Spain...September 4

We are on this trip and as always, I like to view the Reviews from other guests. If you are considering A Week in Spain...be sure and watch a YouTube "review" by a guest from April 2016. Wonderful video, gives a real glimpse of what we have in store. Thank you "hgamer" for posting this link. We can hardly wait...anyone else on the September 4th trip? We are doing back to back Tauck trips...finishing Cinque Terre and flying to Barcelona to join the Week in Spain. Counting the days...


  • Not a lot of posts on Tauck forum, but appreciate your tip to watch youtube review and will do so. We are on the recently added Sept 14 Week of Spain tour and will do pretour in Barcelona and post in Madrid then going to Lisbon for 3 nights.
    Appreciate any personal touring tips for these areas.
  • Hi Nancy,
    I just saw your post about A week in Spain. I look forward to meeting you.

  • Hi everyone- my wife Shelley and I are on the Spain and Portugual trip- starting from Lisbon on the 4th of September- can't wait to meet everyone- we are arriving on the the 3rd- I haven't done too much research yet as far as what to plan for the afternoons- I assume the tour guide will have some suggestions- I did book a private tour of jewish Seville- there are still openings if anyone is interested please respond and I will post details

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