China Tour Westbound Sept 6

My wife and i are going on this trip and traveling with another couple. We wonder who else is on this particular trip. I have read recently that is prudent to dress conservatively (as always as a foreign traveler) however I was wondering if there are any specific recommendations for this China trip in September. For example, no white or kacki slacks, tennis shoes, etc.? Any thoughts or recommendations. Thank you.


  • Made this trip in September, 2013 and found there to be no restrictions on clothing. Do bring some light weight, packable rain gear as we did have rain both on and off the Yangtze Explorer. Also had rain while on one of the Shennong Stream Pea Pod boats covered only with a tarp. Wear comfortable and stable shoes (gang planks can get slippery) and know that tennis shoes point to you being an American as do men in shorts. Business casual is appropriate for all dinners but know that some guests will have jackets on the final evening with women also "up dressing".
  • Took this tour September 2015 and It is HOT and HUMID in China. Wear nice but comfortable, classic, clothing that You can mix and match. Add a scarf or necklace to go from day to evening. Take a minimal number of outfits, and do Laundry along the way - you will want to because of the heat anyway. Most of the time we were casual, never saw a jacket at dinner, but saw lots of shorts, khakis, jeans and plenty of tennis shoes! It's an amazing trip. Hope you get Larry as your tour guide. Enjoy!
  • My husband and I are on the Sept 6 trip as well. We're from the Seattle area and this is our third Tauck Tour.... we saw Turkey last year and Egypt previously. We are really looking for to it.

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