Paradors of Northern Spain

We are planning our 6th Tauck Tour. We are thinking of taking the Paradors of Northern Spain next year. Have heard very good things about this tour. We are going to arrive a day early in Barcelona and was wondering if it is worth it to stay an extra day at the end of the tour in Lisbon, Portugal. Hopefully someone who has been on this tour will comment. Thank you to anyone who may reply.


  • We took that tour in September, 2014, and yes, it is an excellent tour. I would highly recommend getting to Barcelona a day early, as you plan. But not inclined to go along with staying a day longer at the end in Lisbon. If you have questions please feel free to e-mail me at FANTAVISA@AOL.COM
  • We arrived in Barcelona two days early and found so many fun things to do...hop on/ hop off bus, tapas and wine tours, etc. we were fine with leaving Lisbon at the end of our tour (this was our 12th Tauck tour, so we knew the ropes)...usually we like to stay a bit longer, but we were fine with leaving at the end of this tour. Hopefully, if you decide to linger a bit longer, someone will chime in with some great ideas about how to occupy your time.
  • Joycesw -- I think you just answered a question I have. We are taking Paradors next year and were deciding whether to add one or two days in Barcelona. We were leaning towards two -- and I think we just got our confirmation. Thanks!!
  • Hi Jane and Dokey
    Although I have not yet been on this particular tour, I traveled to the area independently 3 years ago and it was wonderful. I especially loved Lisbon. I was fortunate to find the most wonderful private guide through Trip Advisor - Paolo Schaffer of Lisbon Explorer. He was amazing -a professor with a special interest in Lisbon and the Jews of Portugal, an art historian, foodie and wine expert and more! We took the Hidden Lisbon Tour where he passionately and enthusiastically told and showed us the history of Lisbon. It was the most amazing day ever. I wanted to sign up for more time with him but he was fully booked. Paolo was the best guide I have ever encountered. He will impart a different and compelling view to a visit to Lisbon.
  • I took this trip a few years ago and it is wonderful. Wonderful culture, scenery and food. There is so much to do in Barcelona and it is indeed great city. I had travelled as a solo on this trip and also stayed one more day afterwards in Lisbon. Another couple from the Tauck tour and I booked a trip to Sintra, just outside of Lisbon towards the coast, to tour the historic palaces and castles there. We booked with Lux Invicta tours. We had private guide who drove us in modern clean car, good English skills. It was a full day's tour and the sights complemented the tour. If you enjoy historic old castles perched on the hillsides, this is the place to go. Lux Invicta is highly rated on Trip Advisor and they have a web site. They also offer tours to the coast. So depending on your interests the sights there may be a reason to stay and extra day (or not.)
  • The Paradors tour is wonderful. I would recommend extra time in both Barcelona and Lisbon. I too have taken a private tour down the coast. WONDERFUL!!!
  • My husband and I just got back from "Paradors" tour. We spent 3 extra days in Barcelona and hired a guide from "Tours by locals". We have used them before and they are great. Cayetano Vinzia was our guide and we took "Roman & Medieval Barcelona" 4 hr walking tour and then 2 hr walking tour of "Sagrada Familia" (Tauck takes you into the this also, but it is a short tour). He is very knowledgeable and could answer all questions and provide a detailed history of Spain, Barcelona in particular. We took the Southern tour last year and started in Lisbon. We stayed there 5 days before the Tauck tour started and there is a lot to do. We took a 2 hr Segway ride and got to go up into the alleys of the Old Town and Jewish Quarter. We have been on 12 Segway rides and this was one of the best. Enjoy your Tour!

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