Frequent Flyer Tickets?

Planning on taking the Grand Australia/New Zealand trip in 2017. Has any past travelers been able to use FF miles to get Quantas or other Business Class tickets? We live in Florida, but don't mind flying to the west coast (LAX or SFO) on our own if we need to make the long flight to Melbourne. Also, any thoughts on getting back to the US from Auckland? Do you need to fly back to Australia to complete a Frequent Flyer round trip, or is their an alternative flight to US that anyone has booked with mileage? Have found many other people on tour used mileage and that is our preferred payment method as i have a ton of points with AMEX that I can transfer around. Thanks.


  • YES and YES.
    Flying from LAX to AKL on AA. There is award availibility.
    Returning from SYD to SFO on SIN. There is award availibility.
    We were not able to find availibility on QX for either J or F, only Y, thus not an option.
    Good luck

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