September 19th trip


Looking to find others booked on the September 19th tour. My sister Michelle and I (from Michigan) are getting very excited about this trip. This is our second time traveling with Tauck - we did South Africa - an elegant adventure in August 2014. We had a fantastic time on that trip and really enjoyed touring with our Tauck travel companions. We have no doubt this is going to be an amazing trip and we are both looking forward to meeting the rest of our group.



  • Really?? No one? Will it just be my sister and I on this trip? ???? This will be our 23rd annual sister trip (starting when we were in college). I do a lot of planning and researching for trips before we go (half the fun for me of the whole holiday)... Hope to meet some new friends on this trip.
  • Don't get discouraged. Only a very small percentage of those who travel with Tauck actually use this Forum. I am sure you will meet some great people. I am doing Australia and New Zealand trips with Tauck early next year so I hope you will share your thoughts in the "Reviews" section when you return.
  • Hi Denise!

    My name is Jennifer Smart. My mom and I will be on the trip with you! I would love to get to know you better. Bus trips are so fun. Especially when you have great people on the tour. Australia and New Zealand have been my dream since I'm a little girl. We are SO excited! This is a 3 well deserved vacation for me. I'm 41 years old, and when I was 36, my husband died from an aneurysm. I am now the single mom of a severely autistic child, so I NEED these getaways! Lol!
    We live in Minnesota, and this is our second trip with Tauck. We did Russia and the Baltic states a couple of years ago. Are you coming in a day early? If you would like, you can email me.
    I'm counting the days!

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