Russian Glories, Baltic Treasures August 24- Sept. 6, 2016

Anyone going on this trip? We are arriving in Vilnius 9/22, looking for restaurants and sights not included in the trip itinerary.


  • We took a Jewish walking (and driving) tour of Vilnius with a private guide which was excellent. We ate dinner in Vilnius at "Bistro 18" which we enjoyed. This was a wonderful trip.
  • Hi!

    I loved this trip - it was my first Tauck trip (in 2013) - since then, I have been a loyal and enthusiastic Tauck traveler -- It was a fantastic trip -so very interesting. Each city offered so much! I went one day early and prearranged a private walking/driving tour (Jewish heritage) with Justine through She was superb. It was a wonderful afternoon - learning about and seeing Vilnius in a way not included in the Tauck tour. I highly recommend this company!


  • We used Justine as well and she was fabulous!

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