August 7 tour: week in Scotland

Coming in day early and staying at De Vere Cameron House. Any suggestions of what to do before the meet and greet on the 7th? Any dinner suggestions for the 6th if we do not want to eat at the hotel?


  • We took taxi to nice restaurant past the train station. We took train to Glasgow and did Rick Steves walking tour then went to the art museum before catching train back to get ready for welcome dinner. Do not chose the boat house for dinner (it was noise and food just ok). Those that ate in hotel said enjoyed the atmosphere and food.
  • I remember small airplanes landing on the loch there. I believe you can reserve a flight around the area. I would check with the hotel for info.
  • do you remember the name of the restaurant near the train station? How long a ride and what would be the fare into town?
  • pgschwa wrote:
    do you remember the name of the restaurant near the train station? How long a ride and what would be the fare into town?
    The Balloch House, not far about 6 minutes, had bar call for taxi back (guy we had turned off meter and showed road you can walk into town from hotel if you are up to it), and don't remember price of taxi, but was not too much and had a chance of a local restaurant.

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