scuba diving at the Barrier Reef

Did anyone who visits this forum and has taken the Grand A & NZ trip do any scuba diving instead of snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef? I don't know if I can substitute one for the other. I am headed there for the 20 March trip. Thanks for the help. I am sure I'll have more questions as I continue to research specifics of the trip.


  • ndvb, I was on this tour last year. At that time, the reef tour included the ability to snorkel in a roped off area (with a lifeguard posted). If you wanted to venture out of the area, you needed to sign up for a tour with an marine biologist. I went out on the advanced tour and it was fun and instructional. They also have scuba tours available and these are also an additional charge. The platform is owned by Quicksilver and they have a website that outlines available opportunities for the day. I cannot remember if we had a discount thru Tauck, but their site gives you an idea of the cost.
    I know you will have fun no matter what you choose.
  • edited August 2016
    As Golly Gee indicated, scuba diving is extra $$.

    From an itinerary of our day at the Great Barrier Reef passed out by our tour guide:
    - snorkeling (I hadn't snorkeled in about 50 years and thought it would be snap - but I wish I had played with a snorkel in a pool before I left on the trip)
    - a ride in the semi-submersible (you view the reef through the below water glass windows at your sides)
    - the underwater observatory (hardly worth the time - the windows were so dirty you couldn't see much)

    - Helicopter Ride ($165.)
    - Intro Marine-Biology Snorkel - $56.- (you must have snorkeled before) - 45 minutes
    - Experienced Marine Biology Snorkel - $74. (you must have snorkeled before) - 60 minutes
    - Introductory Scuba Dive - $158.
    - Certified Scuba Dive - 1 dive $112; 2 dives $158.
    - Ocean walk (helmet dive) you never get your hair wet and you can wear glasses - $158.

    Plus they have free demonstrations - like fish feeding

    You can also rent a waterproof camera for $68. - you get the SD card at the end of your tour

    all $ are AUD

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