
I would like to ask if anyone can review the Iceland trips for 2016. I am interested in booking.


  • We took this tour in July and enjoyed it. Weather was in the high 50's to low 60's. There were about 140 Tauck travelers. We were in groups of 35 so were able to get to know the individuals in our group. There were excursions everyday enabling us to see/learn about different aspects of the geology, history and culture. Some days were very busy, but in general there was a nice mix of exploring and relaxing. Guides were very good about giving us a sense of what to expect (level of difficulty, etc.) on the excursions. I found the excursions easy to handle and would not describe myself as being in the best of shape. The country is beautiful - you will see geothermal areas, waterfalls, geysers, glaciers - and lots of lava and birds. English is spoken by almost everyone and the people were very friendly. Staff on the ship were welcoming and efficient. Food was very good. As usual, Tauck's level of service was excellent. I would certainly recommend this trip.
  • Thank you so much for your review!
  • cvc wrote:
    We took this tour in July and enjoyed it. Weather was in the high 50's to low 60's. There were about 140 Tauck travelers. We were in groups of 35 so were able to get to know the individuals in our group. There were excursions everyday enabling us to see/learn about different aspects of the geology, history and culture. Some days were very busy, but in general there was a nice mix of exploring and relaxing. Guides were very good about giving us a sense of what to expect (level of difficulty, etc.) on the excursions. I found the excursions easy to handle and would not describe myself as being in the best of shape. The country is beautiful - you will see geothermal areas, waterfalls, geysers, glaciers - and lots of lava and birds. English is spoken by almost everyone and the people were very friendly. Staff on the ship were welcoming and efficient. Food was very good. As usual, Tauck's level of service was excellent. I would certainly recommend this trip.

    I would like to ask a question about the group assignment. Was it random? Did you get to spend time with guest in other groups?
  • When I did this tour a few years ago, one was assigned to a particular group for the tours away from the ship. On board there were ample opportunities to interact with all the other Tauck travellers.

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