September 7 Classic Italy

My mother and I will be talking this trip and thought it would be nice to meet other travelers . We are from Florida and I have visited Tuscany but it is my mother's first time to Italy. This is our first Tauck trip. Are there any recommendations from anyone familiar with this trip?


  • My mother and I will be talking this trip and thought it would be nice to meet other travelers . We are from Florida and I have visited Tuscany but it is my mother's first time to Italy. This is our first Tauck trip. Are there any recommendations from anyone familiar with this trip?
    You will not be disappointed in this trip, we took this trip 2015 and it was our first Tauck trip- WOW- an incredible journey awaits you. Casual, comfy clothes and shoes, maybe one skirt or dress for dinner- but not necessary- something I didn't do before I went -which you may have already thought of- where the itinerary says "time on your own to explore" research some places that you may want to explore on your own- and where they may be in relationship to your hotel-especially if you are walking- planning ahead a bit gives you some idea of what to do on your own and feel comfortable heading in some direction- and in the process you will find other discoveries along the way. Have fun!
  • My wife and I will be making this trip. It is our first time traveling abroad and with Tauck as well. We have friends that took the trip last summer and had a great time. We look forward to sharing the experience with you and your mother.
    Rob and Terri.

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