Video Review of Executive Room at Hilton Reykjavik Nordica

The Hilton Reykjavik Nordica hotel is one of the two pre and post stay hotels available for the wonderful Iceland Cruise trip. Below is a link to what the Executive Level Room really looks like. This video should help you to decide if you wish to upgrade to this category room. The bottom line is that the room is almost twice as large (323 sq ft) than the standard room. Also one gets access to the Executive lounge for a free breakfast (fewer choices than the breakfast buffet) and free light appetizer snacks and drinks in the evening. We made these snacks our dinner.
Here is the You Tube Link to the video.


  • We've stayed at the Hilton Reykjavik twice and liked it a lot. Really the only downside is that it's a ways out from the downtown (2 miles or so). We like to walk, however, and made the round trip downtown and back a couple of times during each stay.

    You absolutely want an executive room both for the size/location and the solidly nice lounge.

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