Eastbound China, Yangtze & Hong Kong October 6, 2016

Is anyone else booked on this date? We would like to make contact with you. We question the weight limitations on baggage for the air flights in China. Can you provide any information or hints if you have travelled there before. Joe and Carol


  • The green Tauck info booklet (how to see the world) that Tauck sent for this tour indicates that the maximum checked bag is 44 lbs, and the carry on bag is 11 lbs. See page 16. I'm culling clothes out of my bag as I speak (or type). I have also decided not to take my usual carry on, but am using a cloth duffle.
    Happy packing!
    Jeff & Martha
  • edited October 2016
    Just returned from the China trip. Yes, these are the posted weight limits. Couple of things to consider. You will likely be buying a few things on the way. So leave some room in your bag. Dress is casual for the trip. Leave the jacket at home. Laundry service, though a bit pricey, is available at all the hotels. For a some travelers, few pounds over the limit was handled by our tour director.

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