Time on Own- Farewell Dinner meeting time

We want to book a private guided tour on our own in the afternoon on the final full day in Venice - it is a full day "on our own" prior to the Farewell Dinner according to the itinerary- for those who have experience with this particular Tauck tour- would you remember what time we would need to be back at the hotel for the Farewell Dinner (we don't want to miss that)?
Thank you in advance for the information you might be able to share.


  • If I remember correctly you meet up in hotel around 6 or 6:30. They did the gondola at 5 PM. I had alrdy done that so opt out to get off my feet from the all day foodie tour I did that was great. It was with Venice Bites run my an expat couple that has made some great contacts throughout Venice.
  • The gondola ride lasted about 45 minutes, but I think it was more about 7:00 that we had our meeting time for dinner. I had time to have a drink on the terrace before dinner (which is very nice if you don't mind fighting off the pigeons). You have lots of time for a tour.

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