Paradors of Northern Spain October 21 2016

My husband and I are taking our first Tauck tour. Anyone out there going at this time?


  • Hi - Yes we are going on October 21. This is our third Tauck tour, but we have not traveled with them for a few years. We have heard this is a great trip.
  • Well since it's your third tour with Tauck that is a good sign.
  • Hi - Where do you live? We are coming from Los Angeles. Yes, we have had great trips with Tauck. We were spoiled. WE have been with them to Hawaii and Ireland. We have many friends who travel repeatedly with them.
  • We live in Southwest FL.
  • Well you have a much shorter trip than we do now. We used to live on the East Coast. It is just as easy to go to Asia from here, even easier. But we love Spain and have only been to the southern part. We have never been to Portugal. So this trip is all new to us.
  • Looking forward to meeting you golda2000! Our trip is getting closer. Now the concerns of what to bring start!!
  • Yes looking forward to meeting you. We arrive a day early. Just keep in mind layering as we will have a change of climate for sure when we are in the mountainous areas.
  • This is especially for Golda from Los Angeles. I live in the foothills north of LA and am taking the September 22 Paradors tour. I'd love to hear how your tour went. Any tips about to wear or not wear would be welcome. How would you compare the weather you had to LA?

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