Cowboy Country 2017 - Yellowstone Itinerary

Our Family is scheduled to visit Cowboy Country in Jun 2017. We want to spend time in Yellowstone before the Tauck tour. Can anybody tell me, specifically, sites in Yellowstone that we'll visit on the tour, so that we can plan to see other sites on our own?


  • I gather that you are referring to the Bridges Cowboy Country tour. We are on it in July. Are you aware that it begins in the Grand Tetons, not Yellowstone.
  • We are also on the trip in July. We are with our three grand children.
  • I am interested to know the ages of other children that
    will be on the July 11 to July 18 Cowboy Country Tour.
    Our grand children are 10,15,16.
  • We've taken the Cowboy County tour before. The first day you go right to Old Faithful Lodge and have all of the afternoon to explore and hike in that area. The next day the bus tour will take you to the mud pots at West Thumb, then to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, and finally to Lake Yellowstone. The tour is essentially limited to the southern part of park.
  • I also meant to say that we're taking the tour again this year (June 11-18) with two of our grandchildren, ages 9 and 11 1/2. We took their older brother (and his cousin) on the tour in 2015 and they wanted to go to the same places their brother had seen.

    It is definitely worth arriving a few days early to see things that you won't see on the tour. Even in the Grand Tetons, for example, they don't give you any time at Jenny Lake. We went a few days early in 2015 and really felt it was worth it.
  • Jack Sal wrote:
    We are also on the trip in July. We are with our three grand children.
    I would like to plan a trip with two grandchildren (boys both ages 15) It would be my husband and I with the boys. How do the accommodations work? Would we share a room with them or are there connecting rooms?
  • We booked two rooms. One room with three and one room with 2. I do not know
    if you can book a room for four people.
  • We are taking the Bridges Cowboy Country the summer of 2017. We are arriving at Jackson Lake Lodge the day before the trip begins. We are finding it difficult to schedule any activities because of the infrequent shuttle trips to and from the Lodge to either Jenny Lake or Colter Bay. We would like to know what other travelers have done with their "gift of time" at Jackson Lake Lodge. We will be traveling with a 10 yr old boy--lounging in the lodge is not an option! Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
  • We are taking the July 11th Cowboy Country tour--My husband and I are traveling with our 12yo daughter. I was glad to see there are some kids around the same age.

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