Budapest to Amsterdam October 22, 2016

Liz and I will be arriving on the 19th and staying at the Ritz. Any info on the current goings on will be appreciated.


  • We are also arriving a day early and would appreciate any tips on seeing Budapest in the time available.
  • Budapest is one of our favorite cities. Here are some ideas for you:

    - Take a tour of the Hungarian Parliament building. The interior is stunning and you'll see the crown of St. Stephen. You'll need to book an English tour in advance which is fairly easy to do on the internet. See

    - If you like history visit the House of Terror. Ignore the hokey sounding name. The building was the headquarters of first the Nazi and then the Communist secret police. You'll get a solid grounding in Hungarian history during those times, and we found it very moving.

    - Take a tour of the Budapest Opera House. Interesting building and the end of our tour was a mini recital.

    - Visit the Dohany Street Great Synagogue. A beautiful building with a lot of history covered by an English speaking guide.

    Have a great time in a great city.
  • Liz and I are arriving on the 19th and staying at the Ritz. We have a night cruise planned that night. The next day we are touring Castle Hill and a trip to Etyek for wine. Parliament the next day with a Culture and Wine tour the next night. We will take in the Central market the morning we board the ESprit.

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