Antarctica - January 2017

Me and my wife are going on this trip. Reaching Buenos Aires on Jan 11. Let us know if you are going. Would love to meet up.

Kiran and Kashmira


  • I and my wife, Dinah Chancellor, will be traveling with you on the Antarctica trip. Will look forward to meeting everyone. I am a bird enthusiast and hope to add some goodies.
  • We just returned from Antarctica 12/2/16 trip.Both vegetarians.BA has Indian restaurants as well as Vegan restaurants like the ones in Asheville NC.There is a concierge at Hilton who is a vegetarian made excellent recommendations.Italian restaurants serve very good vegetarian food.On the ship we found great choices in the buffet on Deck 6.On deck 2 a la crate dining also has vegetarian choices but limited.Upon request they also treat you with some Indian dishes.So don't worry.You will have no problem at all.Make sure you say" sin carne" without meat in Spanish!We went on Le Lyrial.Assistant Matrede Artaud was particularly attentive to our vegetarian needs.Wish You a great time.
  • We reach Buenos Aires on January 26. When does your tour start?
  • I and my wife, Dinah Chancellor, will be traveling with you on the Antarctica trip. Will look forward to meeting everyone. I am a bird enthusiast and hope to add some goodies.

    Thanks Ray. Was busy for a while so did not see your post. Hope to see you soon in Argentina.
  • sudhamali wrote:
    We just returned from Antarctica 12/2/16 trip.Both vegetarians.BA has Indian restaurants as well as Vegan restaurants like the ones in Asheville NC.There is a concierge at Hilton who is a vegetarian made excellent recommendations.Italian restaurants serve very good vegetarian food.On the ship we found great choices in the buffet on Deck 6.On deck 2 a la crate dining also has vegetarian choices but limited.Upon request they also treat you with some Indian dishes.So don't worry.You will have no problem at all.Make sure you say" sin carne" without meat in Spanish!We went on Le Lyrial.Assistant Matrede Artaud was particularly attentive to our vegetarian needs.Wish You a great time.

    Thank you Sudha for great information.. How was the trip? Hope your Drake Passageway crossing was uneventful. Will compare notes when we get back.
  • Bob B. wrote:
    We reach Buenos Aires on January 26. When does your tour start?

    out tour starts on Jan 12, 2017. Sailing from Ushuaia on Jan 14.
  • Our trip was great.We had great weather;consecutive sunny days.Drake passage was described as "Drake Lake " by ship crew.Many on board had patches ,wristbands and medication for motion sickness.We were lucky to be spared

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