Tour beginning 10/2116

We are arriving on day early and wondering if anyone has any suggestions for us as to what we should see on our own that first day. Trip looks amazing!


  • We are planning on a Monday trip to Halong Bay even though it will be a long day. Granted a 2 day visit would probably be better but all the reviews indicate a 1 day visit would be better than none. We'll probably wait until reaching the hotel on Sunday to make the arrangements based upon local recommendations. If you would like to join us, you would be welcome.
  • Where do you want to visit? and How long do you spend to visit them
  • you mean 2016? Is my response late for you? just want to help you have a good trip in Vietnam. So, you can walk around Hoan Kiem lake in the early morning, visit the Old Quarter, take a cruise in Halong bay, explore and learn about the history of Vietnam in Hue, visit Hue Citadel Imperior, The King's Tombs and then vist Hoi An ancient town. You should take a cruise to discover Mekong Delta, see the local floating market and experience their life.
    Hope you have an exciting journey.

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