Week In Rome....Amalfi Coast and Capri Oct. 2016

Can anyone who has taken this trip in early October suggest the best way to pack. My husband and I are celebrating our 25th Anniversary. Any suggestions for "what to wear" are appreciated and can hopefully help my process.


  • hi.. we took this awesome trip 2 yrs. ago the same time.. we lucked out with 78 to 80 degree sunny days . watch the weather before you start to pack . I brought nice casual pants and dressier tops for evening. I did bring 1 dress( jersey fabric) and did wear it. as far as daytime tours: I packed casual capris / pants with different cotton tops, etc. ( lightweight jacket, also) comfy walking shoes !! some days were warmer than others. my husband wore khakis ( long and Bermuda length ) for evening he brought some nicer slacks/ shirts. our nylon jackets were light and did have hoods( never used hoods) . it' s a magical trip. we loved the hotels, food, wine, gelato, etc. FYI: while on Capri we went down to the docks and booked a boat trip just for the 2 of us around the island ! it was super. we are leaving in 2 weeks for the Florence, Tuscany, Cinque Terra trip and can' t wait. watching the weather there as well. Hope this helped. enjoy every minute and Happy Anniversary!!
  • Thank you so much for your reply, and Yes, it was very helpful. I realized that I can not start to pack until we get alittle closer, because, as you said I need to watch the weather. I will definitely check out the Capri boat ride. A friend gave me a guys name and number to call while we are there. I am beyond excited for our week. !! Thanks again and enjoy your trip.
    That was one on our list!!

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