How much currency should we get?

My husband and I are going to visit China for the first time on the tour beginning October 20. I've tried researching how much local currency, and in what denominations, we should bring; I've managed only to find volumes of conflicting information. Anyone have any ideas regarding a good ballpark figure regarding amount and denominations?


  • Most places take credit cards (make sure you tell your bank that you are going overseas). Small shops for souvenirs don't, and what you need will depend on your buying habits.

    Best bet is to use an atm at the airport as you land. We got $200 in Chinese money, which was sufficient

    have a good trip
  • My husband and I did 14 days in China with a Yangtze River cruise and found that most places took credit cards. For the few times we needed cash, we got Chinese money out of the ATM's in Beijing and Shanghai. You get the best exchange rate and our bank only charges us $2 to withdrawal. We didn't use more than $200 - 300 cash spending money.

    My husband actually got a custom suite made in Shanghai and we had to run down to the hotel lobby ATM to get $300 cash for the tailor. The suit was at our doorstep when we got back home and it is beautiful!

    Have a great trip!
  • not more than 500$))

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