Hi all.. we are headed to Italy from the northern suburbs of Chicago, and will be arriving in Sorrento a day earlier (Sat 10/21). We'd love to meet anyone else who may be arriving early as well. Looking forward to a great trip and meeting new people. See you soon.


  • edited November 2016
    We're back from the most inspiring, jaw dropping and fun trip, that we shared with 24 other travelers who we now embrace as friends. Many thanks to Anna, our leader, who made sure everything happened seamlessly (Anna, could you not have also arranged for one of those privately escorted trips through the Intern'l Term at O'Hare instead of our greeting by THOUSANDS of other travelers?!!!) , and to our driver, who navigated the most narrow winding roads and insane drivers, who I hope carry a lot of insurance, both life and accident! Sending lots of HUGS to all our new friends, who made this an even better trip, who looked out for each other, were respectful, caring, and a lot of fun to be with. Many thanks to Warrren, Jan and Hilton, who made our celebration away from home of the CUBS WORLD SERIES WIN, so special, with a delicious bottle of Prosecco. We are so sorry we never got to share it with you. We hope to see many of you on other Tauck trips in the future. Waving hello to NEW YORK, INDIANA, FLORIDA, TENN, OR and our CALIFORNIA GIRLS!!!

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