Weather in July for Paradors of Northern Spain Tour

I'm looking into going on the Paradors of Northern Spain tour in July 2017 and have questions regarding the weather. Has anyone done this tour in July? If so, was it very warm and would you recommend traveling at that time? I'm also concerned that one of the hotels on this tour does not have air conditioning.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!


  • You can check our the average weather for each month this tour is offered, in a few different locales, in the "Before You Go" section (then, "Prepare to Go") on the right side of the green info bar for this destination. Quite surprisingly, it shows that it is fairly moderate in July. We did this great trip in September and had very pleasant weather with two pretty rainy days (Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela).
  • Thank you for your reply joycesw, I have put myself on the "waitlist" for the small groups tour in July.
  • I am going on the Paradors trip July 21, 2017 and traveling out of Miami.
  • Hello.
    Weather early July is pretty pleasant, normally warm but not super hot like the south. , not much rain.
  • Hi All, I am going on the July 5th tour, and we are arriving two days before. We would be very happy to meet some of our fellow passengers and perhaps have dinner or a tour

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