
Travel Times & Early Departures?

Planning on taking this trip in 2017 and want to know if the travel times between stops is long or short and are there stops along the way. Also are the leaving times early or real early. Thanks,


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    We just returned from the Crown Jewel Switzerland trip last month. You will find that on the travel days the luggage should be ready in your room anywhere from 7:00 am to 7:30 am. They come to your room to pickup and load the luggage while you eat breakfast and the coach departures are usually about an hour later. If it is not a travel day the first scheduled events are anywhere from 8:30 am to 9:00 am. When traveling on the coach there are rest stops, scheduled event stops or lunch during the day. I believe the longest period on the coach without a stop was in the neighborhood of 2 hours or 2 and 1/2 hours. There is a very small toilet on the bus to be used in emergencies, but not encouraged.

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