Free time in Seattle

Is anything else scheduled on the tour the morning of Pike's Market? What time is the dinner at the Space Needle? We would like to visit relatives and want to know how much free time we actually have. Also, will Tauck take us to the Chihuly museum?


  • krpg73: I took this tour in 2015. It is a fabulous tour for those who enjoy food and scenery. Great guide (as usual for Tauck!!) I went to my trip files to see if I had a copy of the schedule for the day in Seattle and could not find it. My memory is that we enjoyed a great morning being guided around the Pike Place Market being able to sample foods, and then went out into the adjacent area around the market to see more places selected by Tauck, and sampled more foods. Having visited Pike Place Market before on my own, I failed to realize how much I had missed. That is why I so enjoy the Tauck tours. I could not find the time when we were 'dismissed' for free time in Seattle that day. I know that there was a bus to take those who wanted to go back to hotel. Later, there was also a bus leaving from hotel to take us to the dinner at the Space Needle. If you spend time with your family, I am sure the guide can advise you when you need to get to the Space Needle for dinner if you wish to meet up with the group from your time spent with family.

    I had contemplated going to the Boeing Museum that afternoon, but did not do so as I did not think I would have enough time.

    If you do not mind missing out on some of the food, you could excuse yourselves early and leave the Pike Market tour to meet with your family.

    If you were to call Tauck and ask when the free time is, I would expect/hope that they could give you an estimate of what is planned, subject to changes, as changes sometimes have to be made and things become out of even their control.

    The dinner at the Space Needle is one of the most elaborate that I recall on my 10 Tauck tours. If the smoking ice cream is still on the menu, order it. Tauck does not take you to the Chilhuly Museum, but many of us went to the Chilhuly Museum after dinner at the Space Needle. We paid our own admission. We did have enough time after dinner and before it closed to tour the inside and outside garden. All the admission info is online for the museum. It is FABULOUS!! There is easy public transportation to get you from the Space Needle back to close where the Tauck hotel is.

    The seaplane ride from Butchart is one of the most memorable experiences from the tour. Enjoy!!

    I have many good memories of this trip and wish you a similar happy and memorable journey!!

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