Mystical Peru June 18, 2017

Is anyone else booked on the June 18, 2017 Mystical Peru tour? It is our first Tauck trip and our first time to South America, so we are very excited.


  • from florida. 1st time for tauck, also. I am a solo traveler as my grandchildren could not go. figured it would be fun anyway. see you there.
  • Louise,
    Glad you will be joining us. I'm traveling with my husband and my nearly 11 year old daughter (at the time of the trip). We went to Norway in 2015, so this is our next big adventure (besides an upcoming spring break trip to Orlando this spring). I'm sure this will be a fantastic trip. Looking forward to meeting you.
  • Hi Louise and Jody!
    Greetings from Florida!
    My husband and I will be also joining this group and we are both looking forward to this vacation.
  • Cely (and husband),
    Welcome to the group. Glad you are joining us. I just ordered two books about Peru and updated all my travel docs as two of us had to renew our passports.

    Is anyone going early or staying a few extra days? We are going to fly down Saturday, so we have one extra day to adjust and see a few things in Lima.

    We are 140 days out if my calculations are correct. I'm sure it will be here before we know it.
  • We just made our final payment today, so we are good to go. I'm wondering if there are any more people out there who will be joining us on this fun trip. It looks like we are 74 days away from our trip to Peru!
  • Hi Jody,
    Husband and I will be arriving on Sunday about 7 AM. Could not make it any earlier:(
    Getting ready to fly in a couple of days. Hope you have a safe trip.

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